Supplemental Conditions of Contest (SCoC)

Bridge is a strategy game that teaches one to be of a tougher mindset, to use one’s intellect to maximum capacity, communicate powerfully and to pursue victory diligently. It is these qualities that makes bridge a perfect fit for HCL.

HCL has been strongly supporting the game in India since 2003 through the HCL International Bridge Championship held every year in New Delhi, India. The Championship is the premier bridge tournament in the country and the biggest In terms of the prize money and participation levels. The last championship in 2023 had a prize purse of ₹ 26 million (USD 310,000). The previous editions of the tournament have witnessed participation by over 1000 players from 185 teams. International teams having players from USA, Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, Russia, Netherlands, Israel, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, South Africa, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Croatia, Denmark, Romania, Japan, Thailand, Jordan, Sri Lanka & Bangladesh have participated in the last few editions of the Championship.

The 22nd HCL International Bridge Championship will be held from 6th October to 14th October 2025 at the Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, New Delhi. The total prize money will be ₹27 Million (USD 325,000), one of the highest across any Bridge tournament worldwide. The Championship will have the following events:

  • Team of Four Gold- Winners will be awarded the ‘Naresh Tandan Trophy’
  • Team of Four Sliver- Winners will be awarded the ‘Mohlni Tandan Trophy’
  • Open Pairs- Winners will be awarded the ‘Neena Bonarji Trophy’
  • An IMP Pairs event
  • A ProAm event on the last day of the tournament (14th Oct 2025) in which Amateur player will partner a Professional player. The ProAm event will have a maximum of 36 pairs. Further details will be provided shortly to interested players. Those interested in ProAm event may please contact Mr. Sandeep Thakral on 91-9910034918.